Upcoming: Sarat Sankhya (Autumn Edition'24)

Ongoing: Sarat Sankhya (Autumn Edition'23)

ISSN 2321 - 4805

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    Saptarshi Roy


    Saptarshi Roy has completed his MA in English from Visva Bharati University, India with specialization in American Literature and Critical Theory. He is the Lecturer of Medieval Studies and Modern Fiction in Dept. of English, BS College, in Indian state of West Bengal. His areas of interest are Children's Literature, History of Britain, Migration and Diaspora. He can be reached at rishi7_roy@rediffmail.com


    Contribution: Translation (Creative Writing – Bengali to English) – Originally retrieved from Leela Majumder’s various accounts of Santiniketan, which were published collectively in Bengali bearing the title “Kheror Khata”; Vol. 6, Issue 1, September-October 2019.