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ISSN 2321 - 4805

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    Pedro Panhoca Da Silva

    Pedro Panhoca da Silva is graduated in Languages from São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Assis (2008), Specialized in Teaching Portuguese, Literature and Writing from Claretian Educational Center (CEUCLAR) (2009), Master's Degree from State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho/Assis and Doctorate in course at the Graduate Program in Languages from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, with a 509 scholarship from that institution. He has experience in the area of Languages, with emphasis on Children's and Youth Literature, working mainly on the following topics: textual production, reading, books and games. He is also a member of the research groups "Poéticas da negatividade" - coordinated by Prof. Dr. Fabiano Rodrigo da Silva Santos -, and "Literatura no contexto pós-moderno" - coordinated by Prof. Dr. Helena Bonito Couto Pereira, besides being editor-collaborator/columnist of LEGENDARY ART MAGAZINE, collaborator of the fanzine/magazine ALARUMS & EXCURSIONS and editor of the database gamebooks.org.


    Title: Gamebooks in Classroom: The Practice of Bloomian Synthesis in Portuguese Language Classes in Elementary School (Jointly Published with Fábio De Oliveira)

    Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2020_Autumn Edition (September-October)